Monday, July 5, 2010


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Hello from Paris! I've been here for 2 full days now and seen A LOT. (yesterday we walked, according to googlemaps 8.75 miles) Which, doesn't necessarily seems like a ridiculous feet, however according to Sara's brother on the metro train ride home, and the level of pain in the right arch of my foot and me looking not like I'm dying but like death a lot of walking. First Sunday's in Paris are free museum days, so I've covered the Louvre, and the Musee d'Orsay. I still want to see the Thinker. But I've also realized that 1. I don't really remember any European/and/or French history that I might have ever happened to learn in my life and 2. A whole lot of old art gets boring to me fast. Maybe that makes me slightly less cultured and seemingly ignorant in a country so rich of history and culture (but I'll accept and move on). Yesterday we hit up a bunch of parks (good to rest your feet and nap), and big monuments such as the eifel tower and notre dam. Its pretty amazing to think how ancient some of the places are. Food high lights have been baguettes and the best cheeses ever which are really cheap. And yesterday we bought some quish from a little restaurant window that was really good. I'm staying at an apartment, on the top floor which Sara (a friend from GHS),, her brother has rented for the month. It is really nice, we take over the entire upper loft floor. Its a very old builiding and the stairs are warn and warped. Yesterday I think I heard a rat rumbling in the wall. But it is great to have a real home to stay. And this morning we are off to Versaille! More to come (hopefully).


  1. Sounds like you are having fun. I'd suggest you try & see Notre Dame & Montmarte. Also, here is an authentic French Restaurant in the Eiffle Tower area.
    (Today is our 35th Anniversary. We will use the Swartz restaurant certificate you gave us tonite)

  2. Wow sounds like you are having a great time. How lucky to get the free pass day. Didn't look like there were too many people taking advantage of it. Were you kind of disappointed with the Mona Lisa? Had any good French pastries? Go and get some good walking shoes. If you are going to do some long walking you need support for your feet. Love you:)

  3. Sounds like you're taking a lot in. You'll probably learn more by just being there than any high school history class anyways. Have fun!
