Sunday, July 19, 2009

jungle tour!

its great being back in guatemala. for one, its twice as cheap, and i was missing my eggs and frijoles.i had forgot about the guatemalan sounds of 6am roosters, wild dogs barking, and the catholic celebratory firecrackers... yesterday we took a jungle tour outside of livingston. livingston is an interesting city, probably the most diverse in guatemala because it is a port city with a mix of cultures. there are garifuna people, who are decended from slaves brought over by the english i believe. their language is a mixture of an african language, spanish, french, mayan, and english. there is a lot of reggae parafinalia and carribean culture in this area.

our tour took us on a little hike through the outskirts of the city, not really real jungle but in the forest area, and i guess that´s junglish. enough that i was sweating from every surface of my body, and bitten by enough bugs. we saw a hummingbird in its nest, a couple impressive ant hills, and strangely, some crabs in the forest. then we took a little canoe trip to a nice ocean beach and road some waves. after this we walked into the forest again and swam in los siete altares 'the 7 alters´. i jumped from a small waterfall, it was a lot of fun. tomorrow we venture out on yet another boat ride, this time i´m wearing my bathing suit...

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