Sunday, July 19, 2009

tabacco caye

we didn´t make it on the sail boat trip,but we took a bus and a small boat out to an island that is about 4.5 acres big. it was tiny and cute with only a small snack shop and 3 restaurants. we stayed at a cute little place owned by an older couple and roomed near a family from the US i htink who now live in guatemala. tabacco caye was very laid back, all we did was read, swim, snorkel and sit on this dock in the sunshine. we did start a daily routine of icy fruity drinks at happy hour and watching the sunset. belize all the buses are chicken buses, or the old school buses. we did find one that was all supped up though and had air conditioning and a movie even. unfortunately with just 20 minutes left on a bus ride to a beach town called placencia, a small child, less that 2 years old decided to pee on the bus, and the pee decided to fall all over my foot. we changed seats and i washed my foot in the ocean the second i got off.

placencia...placencia is a beach town with about 12 miles of white sandy beach in belize. hey are constructing a lot of resorts and condos for rich foreigners but it isn´t quite built up yet. the beaches, unfortunately here and in guatemala are covered in garbage. plastic bottles, caps, soles of shoes and styrofoam. its quite sad and quite disgusting. we opted for sneaking into a pretty resort and using the swimming pool...

traveling...from belize we decided to take the carribean to return to guatemala. this made for interesting travels. as i sat on this small boat which was erroneosly labeled a ferry...the guy next to me smiles and says in english, ...ï guarantee, you aren´t going to like this...he was too right, although it was more humorous than miserable. once the boat starts, out come these large black tarps, and i realize that we hold the tarps up over our heads for an hour as this small boat rips through the ocean and salt water sprays at us with ever huge rocking wave. at least i didn´t get sea sick beacuse it would have been way to difficult to throw up. later we had to take our 3rd boat of the day to get to our destination, livingston. we opted for the larger boat. however this experience was no more fun and i ended up closing my eyes, clutching my bag and saying the lords prayer over and over in my head..followed by some dixie chicks. i did this to ward off a panic attack and puking from the crazy rolling waves which i was sure was going to capsize us.

we were relieved to arrive in livingston in one piece and on land, to say the least.

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